Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wellesley Ham Club presentation

Thanks to Charlie WA3ITR and Dan Brown,  W1DAN  I got the opportunity to share my experiences with Software Defined Radios and demoing Flex3000 that I have been using for a bit over one year now.

We built a HF station in the club  meeting room with Charlie by pulling some  200+ feet of coax through windows and across the yard to my Tarheel mobile HF antenna mounted on my car.

Here are the slides I presented

I did also a real live demo of the Flex3000 in action using
- PowerSDR  to show 40m band activity, how the software defined radio works in practice
- Ham Radio Deluxe for logging, looking at DX clusteractivity etc.
- Fldigi  to make a PSK31 QSO
- JT65 for HF QSOs
- etc.

It was great to meet so many other hams  - there seem to be a lot of interest in SDR and I got many great questions during the meeting.  

Thanks again for a great meeting!

73    Mauri,  AG1LE

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