April 1st, 2017 Lexington, Massachusetts
As President Trump has stated publicly many times, a sound energy policy begins with the recognition that we have vast untapped domestic energy reserves right here in America. Unfortunately, the secret details behind the ambitious America First Energy Plan were leaked late last night.
To pre-empt any fake news by the Liberal Media I am making a full disclosure of the secret project I have been working on the last 18 months in propinquity of MIT Lincoln Laboratory, a federally funded research and development center chartered to apply advanced technology to problems of national security.
I am unveiling a breakthrough technology that will lower energy costs for hardworking Americans and maximize the use of American resources, freeing us from dependence on foreign oil. This technology allows harvesting clean energy from around the world and making other nations to pay for it according to President Trump's master plan.
The technology is based on quake fields and provides virtually unlimited free energy, while protecting clean air and clean water, conserving our natural habitats, and preserving our natural reserves and resources.
What is Quake Field?
Quake field theory is relatively unknown part of seismology. Seismology is the scientific study of earthquakes and the propagation of elastic waves through the Earth or through other planet-like bodies. The field also includes studies of earthquake environmental effects such as tsunamis as well as diverse seismic sources such as volcanic, tectonic, oceanic, atmospheric, and artificial processes such as explosions.
Quake field theory was formulated by Dr. James von Hausen in 1945 as part of the Manhattan project during World War II. Quake field theory provides a mathematical model how energy propagates through elastic waves. During the development of the first nuclear weapons scientists faced a big problem: nobody was able to provide an accurate estimate of the energy yield of the first atom bomb. People were concerned possible side effects and there was speculation that fission reaction could ignite the Earth atmosphere.
Quake field theory provides precise field formulas to calculate energy propagation in planet-like bodies. The theory has been proven in hundreds of nuclear weapon tests during the Cold War period. However, most of the empirical research and scientific papers have been classified by the U.S. Government and therefore you cannot really find details in Wikipedia or other public sources due to the sensitivity of the information.
In the recent years U.S. seismologists have started to use quake field theory to calculate the amount of energy released in earthquakes. This work was enabled by creation of global network of seismic sensors that is now available. These sensors provide real time information on earthquakes over the Internet.
I have a Raspberry Shake at home. This is a Raspberry Pi powered device to monitor quake field activity and part of a global seismic sensor network. Figure 1 show quake field activity on March 25, 2017. As you can see it was a very active day. This system gives me a prediction when the quake field is activated.
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Figure 1. Quake Field activity in Lexington, MA |
How much energy is available from Quake Field?
A single magnitude 9 earthquake releases approximately 3.9 e+22 Joules of seismic moment energy (Mo). Much of this energy gets dissipated at the epicenter but approximately 1.99 e+18 Joules is radiated as seismic waves through the planet. To put this in perspective you could power the whole United States for 7.1 days with this radiated energy. This radiated energy equals to 15,115 million gallons of gasoline - just from a single large earthquake.
The radiated energy is released as waves from the epicenter of a major earthquake and propagate outward as surface waves (S waves). In the case of compressional waves (P waves), the energy radiates from the focus under the epicenter and travels all the way through the globe. Figure 2 illustrates these two primary energy transfer mechanisms. Note that we don’t need to build any transmission network to transfer this energy so the capital cost would be very small.
Magnitude 2 and smaller earthquakes occur several hundred times a day world wide. Major earthquakes, greater than magnitude 7, happen more than once per month. “Great earthquakes”, magnitude 8 and higher, occur about once a year.
The real challenge has been that we don’t have a technology harvest this huge untapped energy - until today.
The real challenge has been that we don’t have a technology harvest this huge untapped energy - until today.
Introducing Quake Field Generator
The following introduction explains the operating principles of quake field generator (QFG) technology.
Using the quake field theory and the seismic sensor data it is now possible to predict accurately when the S and P waves arrive to any location on Earth. The big problem has been to find efficient method how to convert the energy of these waves to electricity.
Ever since the first report of the TENG in January 2012, the output power density of TENG has been improved for five orders of magnitude within 12 months. The area power density reaches 313 W/m2, volume density reaches 490 kW/m3, and a conversion efficiency of ~60% has been demonstrated. Besides the unprecedented output performance, this new energy technology also has a number of other advantages, such as low cost in manufacturing and fabrication, excellent robustness and reliability, environmental-friendly, and so on.
The Liberal Media outlets have totally misunderstood the "clean coal technology” that is the cornerstone of President Trump's master plan for energy independence. Graphene is coal, just in different molecular configuration. Graphene is one of materials exhibiting strong triboelectric effect. With recent advances in 3D printing technology it is now feasible to mass produce low cost triboelectric nanogenerators. Graphene is now commercially available for most 3D printers.
The geometry of Quake Field Generator is based on fractals, minimizing the size of resonant transducer. My prototype consists of 10,000 TENG elements organized into a fractal shape. In this prototype version that I have been working on the last 18 months I have also implemented an automated tuning circuit that uses flux capacitors to maximize the energy capture at the resonance frequency. This brings the efficiency of the QFG to 97.8% - I am quite pleased with this latest design.
Figure 3. show my current Quake Field Generator prototype - this is a 10 kW version. It has four stacks of TENG elements. Due to the high efficiency of these elements the ventilation need is quite minimal.
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Figure 3. Quake Field Generator prototype - 10 kW version |
So what does this news mean to an average American?
Quake Field Generator will be fully open source technology that will create millions of new jobs in the U.S. energy market. It leverages our domestic coal sources to build TENG devices from graphene (aka “clean coal”).
A simple 10 kW generator can be 3D printed in one day and it can be mounted next to your power distribution panel at your home. The only requirements are that the unit must have connection to ground to harvest the quake field energy and you need to use a professional electrician to make a connection to your home circuit.
I have been running such a DYI 10 kW generator for over a year. So far I have been very happy with the performance of this Quake Field Generator. Once I finalize the design my plan is to publish the software, circuit design, transducer STL files etc. on Github.
Let me know if you are interested in QFG technology - happy April 1st.
Let me know if you are interested in QFG technology - happy April 1st.